
I love to cook and I love vegetables, but sometimes I get bored or fall into a rut of making the same veggies the same way over and over. I think one of the impediments to eating and/or enjoy eating vegetables for many people (and also figuring out what to do with everything in the CSA share box, especially if it’s unfamiliar) is not knowing how to cook them in interesting or appealing ways. Now, I know we’re still months away from taking home the first share (can you tell I’m excited? 🙂 ), but aside from seed shopping and crop planning, I don’t have a whole lot to do, so this week I’ve been at the bookstore and the library looking for CSA/Farmer’s Market themed cookbooks to recommend to help you use your shares this summer. I’ve found a handful that I’m excited to share with you and try myself.
Do you have a favorite cookbook? A favorite vegetable recipe?

Vegetable Literacy
This is a beautiful cookbook with lots of delicious looking recipes. It’s organized by vegetable with a description and advice about how to store and use each vegetable. Then it has a few pages of recipes that feature that vegetable.

Fast, Fresh & Green by Susie Middleton
This is a great cookbook, with recipes organized by cooking method, like roasting, grilling, braising, etc. I like this one because the author shares a lot of information about how use different cooking techniques, which helps add variety and creativity to my cooking.

From Asparagus to Zucchini-a guide to cooking farm fresh seasonal produce by FairShare CSA Coalition
This cookbook is geared toward using CSA shares, so it contains recipes from various CSA’s around the country, and it’s organized by vegetable. It explains how to store and use each vegetable. This one also has essays about the importance and benefits of sustainable agriculture.

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